Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A little of our weekend

We got to see Little Miss Ilayna this weekend. She is such a little peanut. And she is adjusting so well. I think Brynn and she will really start getting along this summer since Ilayna will be running full force by that time. She took her first steps while we were there. It was priceless.

Ilayna and (oops) Kevin's hand

Ilayna following Brynn around the dining room

Brynn also got to use her new wheelbarrow since the weather here is cold again. She couldn't wait to get wood just like Daddy does. Won't any man be proud to have her as a wife?

Too bad the weekend goes by so quickly.


Vivian M said...

Awwww, I can remember when our girls were that small (sniff sniff)!
Love the wheelbarrow pic!

"M2" said...

thanks for the registry reminder :)
wheelbarrow, muck boots, mini rake